“Too bad for little ghetto boy” and Martin Shkreli’s future as a social pariah

Why shouldn’t Shkreli smirk? In his position, I’d be smirking, too. I’d probably be laughing in Congress’ collective face. In fact, if I were in his shoes, here’s what I’d tell them: “You know what–my business practices may be immoral. Yeah, my pricing could mean that a rich person gets my medicine and a little boy living in the ghetto […]

Glenn Frey’s Obituary, From A Legitimate Eagles Anti-fan

R.I.P. Glenn Frey “the difference between a melted ice cream sandwich laying on the sidewalk and Baked Alaska at a five star restaurant” by Jeff Smith from his Facebook page The “corntroversy” has died down a little and I’m not attempting to reignite it, just attempting to add a little clarification. I bore no malice against Glenn Frey other than […]

Mr. Tube and the Flying Objects

[Music Bio] “Upon delivering his television, seeing all the equipment, tools, and random Antarctic memorabilia, a conversation ensues with Freddie Dillinger…” From the ticketfly.com page for Mr. Tube and the Flying Objects Record Release Show, with The Creepy Creeps, Tropical Popsicle, SD Casbah, 9-12-15. After a short stint as a stuntman in the 1950’s, Freddie Dillenger (a.k.a. Freddie Danger), son […]