WNBR Pdx spokespan Stephen Upchurch

[Reviewer TV] WNBR Pdx spokesperson Stephen Upchurch Another amazing Reviewer TV video interview by Reviewer Rob So I arrived at Mt. Scott Park in Portland at 8 p.m. to cover the World Naked Bike Ride and first thing I wanted to do, since I stood out like a sore thumb with my two Nikon SLRs dangling from my shoulders and […]

Trump’s Racist Street Slang

San Diego’s Brush With Trump University by Reviewer Rob So, I attended a Trump University seminar in early 2007 at an upscale San Diego Mission Valley hotel in San Diego. The big advertising buzz that at the time was that you’d “Learn from the Master”, Mister Donald Trump. Now keep in mind, nine or ten years ago Trump’s hair was […]

interview: SD Sheriff Gore

[Reviewer TV] Sheriff Gore, on camera and off video by Reviewer Rob San Diego Sheriff William D. Gore after the police shooting video release community meeting. A local network new outlet was interviewing him for TV and then when he was finished with them at about 3:35 he came my way and I wanted to get a photo but then […]