Private: Tagging along with the World Naked Bike Ride, Portland, Oregon: the World Naked Bike Ride is an annual protest movement and body positivity public event
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Tagging along with the World Naked Bike Ride, Portland, Oregon
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The Economics of Legal Weed
Cannabis Will Be Free testimonial from a formerly underground weed commerce worker reposted from Amanda Pemberton aka Apneatic (originally on her Instagram @apneatic) Yesterday was 4.20 🌬I was given this shirt in 2012 by a vendor when I worked at a dispensary for 3 weeks in Seattle. When Chase and I were making @wmrtwo we ran out of money from […]
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Portland, Oregon, World Naked Bike Ride 6-24
[Protest] WNBR PdX 2017 World Naked Bike Ride Time The worldwide event comes to Portland again this month on the 24th. Reviewer Rob Last year I covered the World Naked Bike Ride in Portland as a photojournalist, and I was thinking about attending this year’s ride as a participant, but it looks like work will be keeping me in San […]
photolog: shooting jpeg vs. NEF
Why I shoot NEF RAW, and other superfluously obvious information by Reviewer Rob I was in Portland last weekend to finish up distributing a few hundred copies of issue 50 that had the Bundy Militia story in it. Ammon Bundy was on the cover in an article where Sarah Glass Shafer met him briefly at the Malheur National Wildlife […]