Ashley shoots a solo video

[Members’ Archive] pixie Ashley performing after work in private This story is a rough draft. For the real post go to the x-blog HERE. by Bob Yunger Here’s the video of pixie girl Ashley going at it with herself on my bed, shot sometime around 2008 or 2009. At about 1:09 she turns her head toward the camera suddenly because […]

Photo Gallery: Asphyxia Noir

[Members Section Gallery] Asphyxia’s Photo Set Tweet Iconic Art-model Asphyxia at Reviewer Magazine Not a member yet? –> GET A PASSWORD NOW! photos by Reviewer Rob A photo gallery with around 360 photos has been uploaded from our photo shoot with Asphyxia Noir. Posted here is a style comparison of the images in Asphyxia’s members’ gallery. An auto gallery, it […]