[Best Friends] World Naked Bike Ride 2016 PdX: “Portland is like, ‘We’ll try anything twice, maybe three times…’” video by Reviewer TV Reviewer TV documentary interview: World Naked Bike Ride 2016 Portland, Oregon, is a legally permitted form of protest allowed under the First Amendment and is a local version of the same worldwide event that takes place annually. Two […]
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Portland be like we’ll try anything maybe three times
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Dame Darcy and Tiny Tim
[Showbiz] God Bless Tiny Tim A Musical Rememberance by Dame Darcy (from her Facebook) The God Bless Tiny Tim record was in my childhood pantheon of records. (Along with Gift from a Flower to a Garden, and Pirates of the Caribbean.) I met him in the airport on my way to Colorado from NYC when I was 23. We became […]
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The Oregon Militia Mounts Up
Friend Or Foe: Holding Ground At The Bundy Stronghold One cold January day Reviewer Magazine went to the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge standoff near Burns, Oregon. by Sarah Shafer @SASzilla January 9, 2016. With the arrival of another uninvited civilian armed force during the day and a closed meeting with state legislators after dark, Ammon Bundy deals with a shift change a […]
“This nerdy fuck was a terrorist?”
[National Security] Remebering accused terrorist armer Enrique Marquez, from a former San Diego acquaintance of his: by Willie Carter (AKA “Willie Psycho”) Editor’s Note: Willie Carter currently lives in Las Vegas where he plays in his metal band and occasionally promotes shows. He recently moved there from Oceanside, San Diego. Below are reposted two entries from Carter’s Facebook where he […]