Taking A Look At Anime

Anime, Here To Stay? Tweet An Explanation Of Anime By Tash Jones Anime is popular. Simple and concise sentence. Anime is popular around the world. Anime conventions despite being on a grand scale in the UK, are nothing compared to the amount that occupy the Americas. I’ve scoured the databases for lists and in California alone, there are handfuls yearly. […]

A Gonzo Reply

Hunter S. Thompson’s Response to An Unsolicited Freelance Submission Tweet ROLLING STONE 625 Third Street, San Francisco, California 94107 . Telephone: (415) 362-4730 You worthless, acid-sucking piece of illiterate shit! Don’t ever send this kind of brain-damaged swill in here again. If I had the time, I’d come out there and drive a fucking wooden stake into your forehead. Why […]

Emperor’s River by Philipp Scholz Rittermann

[New Books] Emperor’s River by Philipp Scholz Rittermann A San Diego Photographer goes to China to shoot photos for a rare hand-made specialty book for a local doner called The Athenaeum by Reviewer Rob Philipp Sholz Rittermann is a photographer of South American origin and German ancestry. He was recently sponsored by The La Jolla Athenaeum to journey to China […]

Issue 41, Spring, 2011

Issue 41, Spring, 2011Editor@ReviewerMagazine.com Click HERE or on the imagebelow for the whole document in PDF format.