Airbnb Economic Trends Will the Trump-era prove harmful to landlords? Having sympathy for the wealthy, while pushing their real estate schemes in a downward direction. Reviewer Rob According to this article in the UT, under a new San Diego city council action, Airbnb short-term rentals of whole homes there will be limited to “one’s primary residence only for up to […]
A Bloodbath Among Landlords, Wahmp-Waahhhh
Workhorse IPA, a local brew
in Portland, the Northwest Beer and Stripper Capitol by Reviewer Rob So I’m waiting to fly out of Portland at PDX and having only my second beer during this trip. The other was at The Kit Kat Club next to VG Donuts over the weekend. It was a mild amber IPA from Laurelwood, a local brewery, just like this one […]
Pappy & Harriet’s, July 2015
Two Cellphone Videos From Pioneertown’s Epic ‘Burrito-Biker Bar’ by Reviewer Rob Pioneertwon, California, is a unique place. Founded in 1946 by Hollywood actors like Roy Rogers and Tom Mix and intended to be a working film set that recreates an authentic 1880’s Western frontier town, it has a community that has built up around it of citizens that are arty […]
Giant Sloth Dung & The Joshua Tree
Joshua Tree Conservation Through Giant Sloth Shit by Reviewer Rob The amazingly hearty Joshua Tree yucca (Yucca brevifolia) seems to be ubiquitous in Yucca Valley, growing naturally in vacant land, along roadways, and as ornamental landscape in people’s yards. There’s even a national park/monument up the road named after them. Although widespread in range the Joshua Tree’s natural habitat is […]