Create at Will: An Interview with Adam Murillo

By Katherine Sweetman Tweet Two life-like dinosaur heads were sticking out of the walls at an art opening at 57 degrees. It was as if someone had hunted them for sport and mounted their heads as trophies — this was the first work I saw by artist Adam Murillo. The curator of the event, Guy Lombardo, introduced me to the […]

“Linsay Lohan Exposed”

Lindsay Lohan in Playboy Tweet Leaked photos hit the internet just in time for the Holidays Click HERE for the review.

Lisa Suckdog Carver Performed Au Naturel

[Art History] “The Crazy Bitch Came Through” Tweet by Krk Dominguez [Normally we avoid posting nudes content here but this is different. Lisa is art history. Members: CLICK HERE FOR THE STORY WITH THE NUDE PHOTOS. To become a member join the Xblog HERE.] I know you’re not here for a history lesson, but I’m not getting paid to entertain […]