San Diego and America’s Royal Fondness

[Opinion] Feeling The Love In San Diego Tweet Prince Harry’s Military Helicopter Training in SD might have other motives, so says one British citizen. by Tash Jones It seems our very own Prince of the British Monarchy has headed out to California. Prince Harry is spending the next two months with his army unit in the Naval Air Facility in […]

Seasonally Appropriate

Seasonally appropriate, regionally specific photo gallery: Tweet Punkins

intimate moments

[Poetry] It’s all I wanted. by Brittany Vipond from Sunday, July 3, 2011 at 10:32pm Tweet I wanted intimate moments, I wanted them to burn the edge of every photograph the way memories remained distorted in her only right eye, I wanted the sacrifice of my only left over breathing triangular abstract animal, and it wouldn’t mean anything to you, […]

San Diego Surf (1968) by Andy Warhol

[Film and the Arts] Andy Warhol’s film San Diego Surf (1968, unreleased) and the La Jolla connection At right: Carl Ekstrom talking in a Reviewer video interview at Richard Kenvin’s 50th birthday party about his Andy Warhol surfing film connection. by Reviewer Rob The 1960’s brought some fame to La Jolla when Tom Wolfe’s novel The Pumphouse Gang highlighted Windansea’s […]