Mr. Tube and the Flying Objects

[Music Bio] “Upon delivering his television, seeing all the equipment, tools, and random Antarctic memorabilia, a conversation ensues with Freddie Dillinger…” From the page for Mr. Tube and the Flying Objects Record Release Show, with The Creepy Creeps, Tropical Popsicle, SD Casbah, 9-12-15. After a short stint as a stuntman in the 1950’s, Freddie Dillenger (a.k.a. Freddie Danger), son […]

The Politics Of Discretion

[Verbatim] “I believe it strongly enough I am willing to face the criticism…” Nathan Fletcher on the upcoming Iran agreement: Rick Perry’s campaign manager just called me a “disgusting disgrace” for joining a group of veterans at a meeting with the President. I know he had a bad week, but that is a sad statement of what our politics has […]