The Pursuit Of Happyness movie review, starring Will Smith

The Pursuit of a Good Movie
By Christina Armani

I remember watching Will Smith in The Fresh Prince of Bel Air as a teenager. He was a good actor even then but was raw in his talent. Now however, he’s a gifted and skilled actor with a young son and the number one movie in America, The Pursuit of Happiness. The movie is based on the real life story of stockbroker Chris Gardner and his own pursuit of personal happiness. The movie starts out with Chris as a salesman who wanted something better for himself and his son. After being tired of struggling with money and realizing his lifelong dream of wanting to work with numbers, he applies for a competitive internship at Dean Witter. The internship is six months long and follows Chris as he struggles to gain clients for the company despite all that’s against him. In the movie, Smith’s own son Jayden plays Chris’s son and the two have a wonderful chemistry together. The movie will make you feel joy and also laughter during the joke parts. The movie was very well done and Will Smith even helped produce it himself. If Will Smith doesn’t receive an Oscar for providing his own natural tears in the movie and playing the role with heart and brilliance, there is no justice in this world. I give the movie four well-earned stars and two thumbs up. This holiday season, remember that you have the right to the pursuit of happiness, and a wonderful movie.

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