help wanted

Reviewer Magazine Seeks New Talent We need new writers, photographers, a web designer and hot, young female models to do grunt work. Plenty of intern positions available and even college credit offered. Long hours, no pay, free drinks. Thankless toil in the name of it’s good for you. It really is. Take your first step on the path to fame. […]

Standard Time started at 2 a.m. last night

Were you late for work this morning? Today the sun sets an hour later. -Ed. From – Why did daylight saving time (DST) start, and why does it still continue? When asking a random sample of people we heard two answers again and again: “To help the farmers” or “Because of World War I … or was it World […]

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Music Reviews, Issue 32, from Kristina Meek

Music Reviews by Kristina Meek Desert Rust Cactus Music If the whole CD were like the easy, melodic, gathered-around-the-campfire-drinking-beers first track, Cactus Music would be quite an enjoyable little jaunt. Unfortunately, when Desert Rust picks up the pace and adds thin, strained-sounding vocals, the warm desert night turns ice cold and you want to high-tail it outta there to the […]