U.S. Marine Mammal Program

U.S. Government Issue Dolphins Cetacea For Elite Reconnaissance And More! Tweet Observation by Lev Six Largely, using dolphins for military purposes is no secret. The U.S. Navy trains dolphins to hunt mines, and tests several dolphin-based systems designed to stop enemy divers from infiltrating harbors. The Soviet Union had a dolphin program of its own based at the Black Sea […]

Reseller Law In Perpetuity

Copyright Ownership and Selling Online Tweet By Lev Six “Your right to resell your own stuff is in peril” was the headline of a recent Wall Street Journal MarketWatch piece about a little-known Supreme Court case. Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons will center on whether or not an individual can buy copyrighted material outside the United States, then resell […]

Home Owners In Plight

A RADICAL SOLUTION TO SAVE HOMES FROM FORECLOSURE by LAURA GOTTESDIENER Found on Occupy.com, credited as originally appearing on AlterNet. As the summer’s vicious campaign season rolls on, there’s one thing both sides agree on: the 2008 mortgage crisis is still frustratingly unresolved. Last week, Citigroup settled for nearly $600 million with its shareholders over allegations of deception, the latest […]