
35mm, waterproof disposable.

Fun day.

So here’s skinny young me out at Black’s during the summer of 1997 when I lived in North Park. That was such a great board. I was stoked to be on the graphite glassed J Curran that I had with me, and that’s why I’m leaning on the front of it to show its tail: those tiny black stripes are graphite so I was told when I bought it at Surf Club surf shop on Garnet Avenue in the early 90’s. Both it and the shaper are no more. I was told Jeff Kinney sold out after getting a deal from Gina Champion-Cain who went to jail for her $40 billion scam. I think Jeff got to keep his money, from what I was told. J Curran took a job as a surveyor and no longer shapes, according to a source. Things change.

In 2000 I eventually sold the board to a young Italian almond farmer in Costa Rica to save money on the return flight home and because I felt like downsizing at the time. I had a lot of boards.

My next-door neighbor paddled out with me and it was he who shot the photo. It was with one of those plastic blue disposable film cameras that they used to sell in the drug stores. The waves were only head-high that day, not death-defyingly huge like Black’s is known for and like it currently is here this week between Christmas and New Year’s 2023/2024. I’ve surfed Black’s at 10 to 15 feet, but that was years before as a youngster, before my then-current constant bar drinking days as depicted here. But never 25 feet like two days ago. Gotta be honest. Kudos to those who do though.


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