Three more new CDs that will rock your world!

New Concept Stomp! Esox Music Reviewed by Kent Manthie There’s a new band in town, just off the Lufthansa jetliner from Germany: New Concept sound like they just stepped out of a time warp from a club in what was then West Berlin, circa 1982. Maybe the members were catching a show by Ultravox, Cabaret Voltaire or Spandau […]

Google, Verizon & The End Of Fair Internet?

[Email] Google goes evil Steven Biel, Political Action Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 6:47 AM To: rob reviewer Dear MoveOn member, Yesterday, Google and Verizon announced a horrifying proposal that would literally kill the Internet as we know it. Their plan? To create two separate, unequal sections of the Internet—one for big business that would be high-speed and exclusive, […]