Dame Darcy’s Victorian Sensibilities

The Art Of Dame Darcy Dame Darcy’s pen-and-ink illustrationswith their Victorian sensibilities makes for good art. Visit her myspace at: myspace.com/dame_darcy. Her previous band’s myspaces:myspace.com/damedarcydeathbydoll or myspace.com/deathbydoll (un-updated) Below: an image of her cartoon work from her website, damedarcy.com, and the lovely Dame Darcy, photographed recently in the snowy American Northwest, wearing what appears to be a frilly turn-of-the-century/vintage blouse.

Amy Lynn CD review

Amy Lynn CD review Review by Kim Acrylic Amy Lynn’s self-titled EP is a real shock. The first reason is she appears on the cover of the Album to be an Alanis Morissette type or Joan Osbourne even. Then I crank up my speaks and heard something that blew me AWAY! It’s complete Motown at its finest! Sounds as if […]