OK, so there was an earthquake today – BIG WUP!

And I thought these GOP Republican Party clowns ran their elections on the platform that they’re supposed to be the small government, fiscally responsible party. How did they get the government so far into debt (not to mention allow the US economy to take the downturn it has) in eight years? ~Editor Record 2008 deficit [from http://money.cnn.com/2008/07/28/news/economy/budget_record.ap/index.htm?cnn=yes] A budget deficit […]

Goodbye AT&T Landline

http://reviewermagazine.com/blackberry Blackberry, my new pocket pal by Rob Reviewer I’m getting into my Blackberry. This thing is pretty awesome. It’s almost like a mini office in your pocket. Maybe I was a bit late in jumping on the “PDA” bandwagon but now I’m a committed advocate. Olivier, the webmaster from bighotbombshells.com, knowing how I dislike being tethered to the brick […]

Man Shot In Bay under Full Moon

http://reviewermagazine.com/man-shot-in-bay SDPD Shoot, Kill Man After Pulling Him From Harbor Reviewer Magazine ~ not a fanzine editor@reviewermagazine.com Last night was a waning full moon. I was getting off at 11 PM from shooting a wedding reception in Old Town in a hotel ballroom that had a great view accross the harbor. It was a warm night and very clear. No […]

The Erotic Writings of Unobtainable book review

http://reviewermagazine.com/unobtainable-book-review.html [book review] The Erotic Writings of Unobtainable By Marilyn Campiz Publish America, Baltimore 2007 Book review by Vikkee Payge In high school, my friends didn’t like to show me their writing because I found all the little grammatical mistakes. If I had gone to school with Campiz, it would have been the same for her. Let me explain. When […]