The Erotic Writings

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“Real Sex in Verse.”

What is love? Is love an exchange of the body? Is love the knowing of two souls? Is it the darkness meeting the light? Is it a mortal embrace? The rapture of passion in a dark world where neither person can step forward beyond life’s expectations, of experience, want, desire, and the tears that a woman knows when she has encountered the depth of what a heart can do. Is it how loving touches through intangible means to become tangible in art, in music and through the writings of “The Erotic Writings of Unobtainable”? Former Air Force Senior Master Sergeant, Marilyn Campiz, invites you, the reader to explore desire through her writings, to see what lies beneath the uniform, to the heart of passion. Boldly, she shares her experience to have you see what causes love and passion to explode with her verse. Her use of language to have the reader is physically reactive to her touching the aches that all feel within. Inspired by real relationships, her keyboard has spewed forth writings that show a marriage of vulnerability and strength. A chipped and imperfect being who has laid her heart open for all to read. Dare to actually read her uncontrived voice, a voice that is needed, and yielded to with unbridled passion. Her writing is like a sexual séance. This is more than a walk though her mental and emotional passageways that seemingly make you want to collapse with the pains of sexual hunger, lust, and love; for what is love in the tangled muse of seduction of verse, prose, to touch the untouchable and holding at the gates of her heart is her search and her waiting for an answer to the “and more” in life. Where Anais Nin was the bud fighting the pain of her bloom, Marilyn Campiz is the bloom, the experience of what a woman can be, without fighting her impulses, shared, created for the world to explore the unrepressed art of love and where Henry Miller merely wanted to show sex as a part of life. Marilyn rips the scar that Miller wanted to place on this world wide open and shows there is more to sex than the act itself. There is desire. There is passion. There is love.

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