Adventures In Web Design

I’m doing video uploads now onto the Reviewer website and foresee that this will be more and more the meat and potatoes of the website as well as REVIEWER MAGAZINE (the print version) coverage in the future. But it’s funny how you figure things out by trial and error.

For instance, the other day I loaded up the absinthe video. I liked it alright, all except for the smaller size of the view window… Then I loaded up a video shot last summer of Stormy Daniels (the youtube video of her has gotten more than 15,000 views) and the view box for her was much larger, and here I saved the large file in almost the “low” export mode of Quicktime to speed uploading onto the FTP. It’s probably something to do with how many times I saved and resaved the absinthe video that made it smaller, but I’m not sure yet. Need to look into it more. Maybe I’ll go back to the original and save it once for uploading like I did with the Stormy Daniels vid… One thing’s for sure though, this is pretty fun., watch out. Here comes Reviewer TV!

Stormy Daniels, behind the scenes interview 2009 from Reviewer on Vimeo.

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[Click here for the newly uploaded Stormy Daniels interview video by Reviewer Rob,
America’s Greatest Indy/Alterna-Photo-Journalist.]


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