
Prevention of Farm Animal Cruelty Act

You Can Help to Save Millions of Animals From Tiny Cages!

From http://www.humanecalifornia.org/

Imagine living the rest of your life confined so tightly that you could not lie down comfortably or even take a step, day after day, night after night. This is the sad reality for animals on factory farms.

In California, we have an opportunity to help end this senseless suffering. The “Prevention of Farm Animal Cruelty Act” is a ballot initiative that will improve the lives of millions of animals in California by banning some of the most inhumane forms of confinement: the use of battery cages, gestation crates, and veal crates. This measure will also put pressure on factory farms which are an increasingly destructive force to the environment.

The best way to help is to gather signatures from your family and friends or out in public at festivals, stores and farmers markets. Whether you can gather 10, 50 or 500 signatures, please sign up to have petitions sent to you! Sign up online at http://www.HumaneCalifornia.org or by calling 619-236-9514.

Click the photos below to go to the petition page at http://www.humanecalifornia.org/.



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