[DVD review]

Renee Zawawi


Review by Kent Manthie

The lovely and talented Renee Zawawi has just released a DVD – it is a collection of videos; music from the two CDs of hers that are currently out: “One Time in Italy” and “Legends”.

The videos are flashy, romantic vignettes; fantasy shots of Renee dancing with some sexy beau in big, beautiful chateaux; or for the one for “American Girrrl” she’s posing for cameras like a model and singing to a mirror and dancing around in front of an American flag. The videos look, too, as if no expense was spared in getting them filmed.

The music is pretty much representative of her milieu and so it’d be repetitive of me to go into that again, since I just reviewed both of her CDs in the last [print] issue; but suffice it to say that, just in case you missed it, I think Renee Zawawi has a sweet voice, a danceable, poppy, upbeat-ness to her music and would be perfect for a set of feverish dancing at some downtown nightclub. The videos are a nice complement to the music; they add a visceral substance to the tunes.

Both Renee and her music are sensual, exotic, a bit demure, but with much strength, both inside and out. Her charm and her talent have gotten her this far – let’s see what else she can do with them. Check out more about this pop princess at http://www.reneezawawi.com – KM.

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