0 thoughts on “EverBlue ad

  1. Yo… got a new package 2day, did not expect it but it looks good, actually the articles and pixs are some of the best I have seen yet. Nice Work…

  2. Actually, the snow is all but melted away, with no new threats on the horizon; I have to be a bit more creative though since the semester is over for another few weeks. However, that should still not be a problem! I have not moved yet due to various reasons, although I have like 3 months or so to get the hell out of my apt. and into a new one. I’ll manage to swing something, as much as the thought of moving all my shit is daunting!

    The nice thing about being in between semesters is that I can focus more on other things, and have been in the studio every night this week recording new material. Aside from that, I have just been lampin out enjoying less responsibility, and picking up side work here and there. What’s new out west? Hope you took advantage of the surf a few weeks back, I saw footage of it on the news with lots of people of their boards…

  3. I went surfing around that time but notthe day of the big one on the day of the solstice, which was 12/21. My board got a bit dinged the day before and so I was planning on going out that afternoon with my 6-1 but would have been too undergunned for the size of the waves – that shit was for real. The night before I was finishing up with mailing out the paper to everyone in other cites (the post office is open until 11 p.m.) and doing the last of the local distro, so I slept in on the 21st. Didn’t even get photos, too bad. But business before pleasure I guess.

    GFood to hear that you’re getting the paper out out there. Send over some of your stuff and let’s run reviews of it!

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