Voting Then And Now

by Reviewer Rob

I voted tonight at 7pm at the Ocean Beach Masonic Center on Sunset Cliffs, where Sal said his son told him the polls are that people in our neighborhood are registered to vote at. Heh, I almost forgot all about it too, getting in late and sitting down at the computer and seeing the CNN blurbs about Virginia voters being intimited and so on. “There they go again,” I said to myself. “They’re rigging another election.”

I figured I’d go out and perform my solemn duty and punch the ballot anyways. What the heck, I might meet a few new neighbors.

Now it looks like the Democrats actually won a majority of House seats and even a few in the Senate. It’s good news, sure, but I’m still not going to get my hopes up for a change for the better. Gore was also declared the winner by this time in 2000, and look how that turned out. RR

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Above: the old voting set up, by punching holes in a ballot.

At top: The new computerized touchscreen version.

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