An email from

Dear MoveOn member,

The results are in. We’re proud to announce the MoveOn member choice for our new, positive agenda:

* Health care for all
* Energy independence through clean, renewable sources
* Democracy restored

These three goals were nominated, debated, and overwhelmingly selected by more than 100,000 people in local house parties and then online. Most groups would say this is a far too risky way to make such a big decision. But it’s this grassroots consensus that makes this agenda different—and powerful.

So what’s next? This month, we’ll launch a major campaign for a clean energy future, starting by breaking the vise-grip of big oil in Washington with our “Oil Free Congress” initiative. Expect hundreds of local events, advertising, national media attention and accountability at the ballot box—and that’s just for the first of our 3 new goals.

Of course, we won’t let up in our work to end the war in Iraq, and we’ll still respond to immediate threats in Congress. But our new agenda will focus our long-term work, offer voters a positive, inspiring reason to support progressives on Election Day, and push Democrats to think big and fight hard.

Let’s be clear: we’ve chosen big goals here, and seeing them through won’t be easy. There are powerful interests who prefer things the way they are, and we’ll never match them in sheer dollars or backroom deals.

Our strength lies where it always has: the voice, energy, and creativity of 3 million MoveOn members. If we’re going to make health care a right, power America with clean energy, and restore our democracy, we’re going to need as many likeminded folks on board as we can get. So today, we’re turning to you to help build the team.

Can you think of some folks you know who care about these issues and are ready to roll up their sleeves—or even just get their feet wet? You can send them a quick note and invite them to join MoveOn through a simple online form, or just forward this note and ask them to click:

When the polls closed Wednesday night at 11:59, “Health care for all” and “Energy Independence: clean, renewable sources” were the clear winners for the first and second plank, with 82.8% of voters choosing one or both. We’re proud to put these bold, inspiring goals front and center in our work to come.

But for the final plank, things got a little interesting. “Restored constitutional rights” and “verifiable, accurate elections” ended up in a virtual tie for the third slot (0.7% apart) but clearly ahead of the rest of the field.

We took a hard look at what folks were saying about both issues, and realized that they shared a very similar purpose: guarding against anti-democratic abuses of power. When the President puts himself above the law to invade our private lives, democracy is threatened. When thousands of votes are lost or deleted and there’s no way to check the results, democracy is threatened. We believe in a country where our rights are safe, and our votes always count— that’s democracy restored.

It’s exciting to know how united we are—a full 96.8% of voters chose at least one of these top issues.

We’ve set our eyes on a pretty big prize here, and there’s a lot of hard work to do. But our history is full of stories of millions of people uniting behind a vision and fighting together ’til they’ve achieved the unthinkable. And heck, most of them didn’t even have email.

Let’s make it happen.

–Ben, Matt, Adam Green, Marika, Justin, Jennifer, Carrie, Rosalyn, Eli, Adam, Tom, Noah, Wes,
Joan, Tanya, Natalie, Roy and Nita, the whole Political Action team

Friday, June 2nd, 2006

P.S. The online vote was between the 10 most popular goals that MoveOn members generated and sent in from over 600 house parties last week. Here are all of the “MoveOn top 10” and the final vote count for each:
Health care for all 65091
Sustainable energy independence 61030
Restored constitutional rights 35675
Guaranteed accurate elections 35133
Global leadership through diplomacy 28912
High quality education for all 27874
Solutions to global warming 26306
A guaranteed living wage 25527
Publicly funded elections 21096
A balanced federal budget 20945

P.P.S During the voting, members were asked to add their own words about why these goals are so important. Here’s what just a few had to say:

Health Care for all:

We need a system that is equitable and affordable for all…Health care should not be treated like a commodity. We have 46 million uninsured and many million more who are underinsured and don’t have adequate health care. It is estimated that 18,000 people die each year because they don’t have adequate health care that works out to 50 people every day. We cannot continue to tolerate a fragmented health care system which worries more about profits and stock holders than it does the well-being of Americans. It is time for a systemic change which will bring down the cost of health care.
–Rebecca E. from Ithaca, NY.

I think that people with health care sometimes think that this is just a problem for the uninsured, but that is absolutely not true. Even if you have health care and develop a serious illness (cancer, MS, etc.) while covered by your employer, you better be sure you love your current job. Because if you decide you want to change direction in your life, you will become all too familiar with the words “preexisting condition”. You will find you most likely cannot get coverage from a new provider. This system traps us all, insured and uninsured. We need comprehensive, affordable health care so that all of us can have the freedom to live our lives the way we want to, doing what we love, not being trapped by the health care system.
– Rebecca p. from Moose, Wyoming

Energy independence through clean, renewable sources:

The American people and American business have the ingenuity and determination to find energy solutions that will dramatically reduce greenhouse gases and actually allow the economy to thrive…Let’s elevate the discussion and generate new and better ideas. This effort will require all of the types of resources we can imagine, including, solar, wind, and demand reduction strategies. Let’s put everything on the table and align the incentives of the business community with what is best for the future of the planet. It is a poverty of our generation that we can’t make a few meager sacrifices to ensure that the wondrous world we have inherited is passed on to future generations.
– Sarah W. from Florissant, Missouri

Just imagine what the world would look like today if we spent 300 billion dollars on alternate energy research, investment and subsidies instead of the Iraq war. I believe that investment would have lead to a far safer United States, well on its way to energy independence and with fewer enemies. It would have also put the US in the leadership position in the world in developing and commercializing these technologies. Our sons and daughters would be inheriting a technology leadership position in alternate energy rather than a massive deficit to pay off. With Bio fuels in the mix, it also has strong appeal in the traditional Republican farm states. No single other issue has the potential to unite so many Democrats as well as crossover Republicans. Lets make this our issue an own it!
– Duane B. from Vashon, Washington

Democracy restored:

Justice Sandra Day O’Connor said recently: “It takes a lot of degeneration before a country falls into dictatorship, but we should avoid these ends by avoiding these beginnings.” This administration and the Republican Congress…have planted the nation’s course firmly on a path that veers sharply from the constitutional form of government that is our heritage. We have to take our country back; we have to boot those people that are hijacking our country; that has to be first.
– Catherine R. from Hot Springs, South Dakota

If Americans are to participate in their democracy, they need to know that it is honest, and their vote count is accurate and fair. Recent Presidential elections have not left Americans knowing that every voter, every precinct, every State had the most accurate and honest vote possible. An honest electoral process will bring leaders who are trusted and the majority rule principal will show other nations the way to achieve a democratic society for themselves.
– Carol M. from Molalla, OR

Support our member-driven organization: Political Action is entirely funded by our 3.3 million members. We have no corporate contributors, no foundation grants, no money from unions. Our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. If you’d like to support our work, you can give now at:

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