[Below is an invite to a San Diego Photo-Art Show on Park Blvd., from andrew@andrewprinter.com. RR]

Hello there,

Attached is an invitation to the reception for Francisco Medavog, the photographer showing his work at SPACE Gallery from June 1-30.

This will be the final month that I will be curating the rotating exhibitions at this gallery. Since its inception in November 2004, SPACE was designed to support both local photographers and local charities. I aimed to show the work of an emerging local photographer each month and donated the commission on sales to a local nonprofit that rotated every 6 months.

Image hosted at PICTUB.com

Thanks for all your support in helping me promote these monthly exhibitions. Soup or Salad is now The Heights Cafe but since the business opened I am proud to say that we showed the work of 15 artists, sold work almost every month and raised several hundred dollars for Grocery Hearts, Shakti Rising and the San Diego Art Institute.

If I am not too late for your press deadline and you would like to profile Francisco Medavog please let me know so that I can provide you with additional information.

Meanwhile, the new owners of The Heights Cafe aim to continue the monthly exhibitions while I will be traveling to Chicago with my recent exhibition and then heading to Europe to participate in a couple of photo events.

Have a great summer and thanks again.

619 252-9711

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