[movie review]
“You think you know who you are.” – Officer Ryan, played by Matt Dillon

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I saw Crash last night for the first time. I know it is over a year old now but since it won the Oscar I was curious about it. When the ads were on TV for it I saw Matt Dillon portraying a racist cop and thought, “Hmm, that’s interesting. He’s playing a ‘bad guy’ now. Either he’s trying to branch out or his star is losing its shine.”

So I kinda wrote it off. Never went to see it. Then last night I was at Blockbuster looking for a DVD and the cute Aryan girl working there suggested I see it.

“Is it good?” I asked.

“Yeah, it’s real good. I saw it.”

“What’s it about?”

“Race,” she shot back. “It’s about race. It’s about, like, ‘Why are YOU saving ME?’ And there’s a suprise ending.”

She was right on all counts. The cast was full of great players, many very underused till this movie. And the story, just frickin brilliant. I haven’t seen all the other movies it ran against. But if previous year’s winners are any indication, I think it totally deserved to win best picture.

Reminds me that having a car while in LA is a big necessary evil. RR

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