Say Hello, folks, To the Most Must-Have, Excellent, Independent News and Reviews Journal Ever.

In issue 30: Brian Jonestown Massacre Pennywise Guttermouth at Hard Rock Cafe 2005 Hot Ladies Fine Women Hollywood Celebrity Great Music Reviews Reviews of Great Music Shameless Puffery Rock Art Avant Gaurd Photography Film and Literature Extreme Archetecture Totally Free Titty Bar Passes Find issue 30 Of Reviewer magazine at all your finer music venues, cigar shoppes and boudoirs […]

Well, isn't THAT a FINE How do ya do?

On Sunday morning, shortly after logging this post: I recieved a call from the SDPD saying that “officers” would like to “talk” with me. The female dispatch caller left a referance number. I called, thinking that this was about a tagger that had been in the neighborhood a couple of months ago. A male voice answered the phone, one […]

Satan's Zip Code

[Backposted from the same date in Reviewer Rob’s Sporadic Journal.] I’m still in Portland. I can get back in time to catch the swell if I leave on Tuesday. I have been meeting with people despite my hellacious head cold, which I think I caught in Medford. Or maybe in Marin, on the north side of the Golden Gate bridge. […]

I was driving through the Mt. Shasta area today on I5 and stopped for some stuff at a gas station. I saw on the front page of the local paper that their little community is expecting about 50 Katrina evacuee families for the area soon. Wow, now that’s a long way to go in a pinch to find food and […]