Is “Artificial Intelligence” beneath itself?

[Word Salad] The Universal Brain of AI Why denigrate AI with such dismissive language? “Artificial Intelligence” as a term is beginning to seem inappropriate. Given its pervasiveness throughout our smartphone and cyber-run society, it seems less artificial than it does integral. So it’s intelligence that’s man-made, who cares? When you slide into your car do you say you’re engaging in […]

2 Christmas Restaurant Reviews

[Restaurant Reviews] Restaurants: Spice Lounge & Ototo Sushi Co. (Sushi Ren)     Spice Lounge, 859 Hornblend St, San Diego, CA 92109   [This first review is from last night, 12-23-23. The photo up top is from when my order arrived at Spice Lounge.] I ate at The Spice Lounge tonight, and had great curry chicken with even better garlic […]

Today in History

Judith by Fionnuala Brigman Judith has forever been one of my favorite women in theology and I am prepping for the 6th night of Chanukah on which I will read the story with Millie and that of Simeon, and discuss women’s roles in history and religion. Coincidentally Tuesday is both the 6th night of Chanukah and Rosh Chodesh, the new […]

The personal saga of Cori Cat, sober bartender

[Reviewer TV] “Being a human being is being a herd animal.” Cori Cat is a working bartender in North County San Diego who has been in the business for 22 years, almost half of which as a sober person who manages her trade without the use of any drugs or alcohol. Here’s her Reviewer TV interview. I’ve always been interested […]