I was driving through the Mt. Shasta area today on I5 and stopped for some stuff at a gas station. I saw on the front page of the local paper that their little community is expecting about 50 Katrina evacuee families for the area soon. Wow, now that’s a long way to go in a pinch to find food and […]

I was driving through the Mt. Shasta area today on I5 and stopped for some stuff at a gas station. I saw on the front page of the local paper that their little community is expecting about 50 Katrina evacuee families for the area soon. Wow, now that’s a long way to go in a pinch to find food and […]

Peter Jennings

R.I.P. Peter Jennings Looks like rather than treat him for lung cancer, they murdered him before he could begin work on his tell-all retrospective book.

Issue 28: Ray At Night cover story

There’s a cover story in issue 28 (out yesterday) about Urban Gentrification in my formerly low-rent inner-city Bohemia here of North Park. Check it out. Other than a few small typos and stuff it’s totally great. Part two will continue the saga and come out next issue in May. RR