Bands Minus Label images: 710 Club, PB

Hey! Here’s some pics from the show this month at the 710 club in PB a few steps from the pier on Garnet. Sorry it took a while to put them up. Busy getting this issue together. Highlights of the show were Rentata Youngblood and Billy Candler. ~RR Pics by Reviewer Rob. Flier courtesy of Josh at BandMinusLabel .com. […]

Doo wop a bomb bomb, Katietom

And Now, The News by Ed Coonce Katie and Tom. Tom and Katie. Katie Katie Katie. Fluffy vermin. Tom jackhammer justice riot flame. Katie. Tom. Katietom or maybe Tommykate. Fandango castle fans outstretched and breaking apart deadly. Tom. Fill β€˜er up, Katie. Katie, Katie. Tom Tom do the Tom Tom. Fill er up Katie. Doo wop a Tom Tom. Since […]

the light at the end of the tunnel

Election Day By Kent Manthie Last Tuesday there was a big change in America. It was called an election and even though only 40% of eligible, registered voters made it to the polls, it was a big enough surge – 40% is a big turnout for a mid-term congressional election, when no president is being elected – to bring change […]

The massacre in this farming town – Haditha

‘You just keep moving, you shoot and go’ [Excerpted from the full story at ~Ed.] By ROBERT C. KOEHLER | Tribune Media Services | May 25, 2006 As we stare with sudden revulsion at the apparent cold-blooded murder of Iraqi civilians in Haditha β€” at least 15, maybe twice that number, killed by Marines avenging a buddy, including a […]