Employee of the Month movie review

Employee of the Month By Christina Armani Employee of the month is absolutely one of the best comedies of the fall and a must see for fans of comedy. I found it to be even funnier than School for Scoundrels (except for Ben Stiller of coarse). Again, the plot is fairly simple and straightforward but does have some twists and […]

Starfuckers and Hell-lay show and club review

Starfuckers and Hell-lay a story by Brandon Payne “I want to take you home and sit on your smile.” These are the opening lines that a middle aged woman delivered to me at the bar of the Cat Club on Thursday night. She of course was the highlight of the evening. An outsider must bum a cigarette. Knowing nobody in […]

Friday the 13th at Das Bunker

Friday the 13th at Das Bunker by Linda Rector and Amira El-Khaouli This month, Friday the 13th celebrated the tenth anniversary of the acclaimed Das Bunker, the industrial disco-tech held weekly at The Catch One in Los Angeles. VnV Nation, considered “an electronic project” that spewed out of the industrial rock genre, was the headlining act chosen to perform at […]