REVIEWER.TV Carlsbad Train Suicide Witness: “He did it on purpose.”

[First-person Account] “What I saw is what I saw.” When what was not sought gets seen January 15, 2023: Some poor soul checked out early this afternoon in Carlsbad by standing in front of a speeding Surfliner train, arms open in the Jesus Christ pose, facing his oncoming destiny. Frank gives REVIEWER.TV his eyewitness account. REVIEWER.TV had a follow-up interview […]

Bar Scene Photographer, 1989.

[Flashback] A Big Bar Scene Print Photog Club Berlin at Sybil’s, 4th & Island, 1989. I can’t call this a selfie. It’s of me with my camera but someone else shot it. If I recall correctly, and I’m pretty sure I do, it was a girl who I’d just met and never saw again. It was late at night and […]

You Weren’t The Second Messiah, John Lennon.

[Transcript] John Lennon’s Aunt “My dear boy…” ‘You’re not the second Messiah.’ (directed at John Lennon) Early 1970s: After John sends Aunt Mimi a letter asking after their family genealogy, Mimi replies to him in the form of a tape recording, and takes the time to address his media-courting behavior since the breakup of The Beatles… MIMI: Now, you needn’t, […]

Is “Artificial Intelligence” beneath itself?

[Word Salad] The Universal Brain of AI Why denigrate AI with such dismissive language? “Artificial Intelligence” as a term is beginning to seem inappropriate. Given its pervasiveness throughout our smartphone and cyber-run society, it seems less artificial than it does integral. So it’s intelligence that’s man-made, who cares? When you slide into your car do you say you’re engaging in […]