"catastrophic volcanic eruption" off Yemen

[That’s HOT!] Erupting Volcanos! (From http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071001/ap_on_re_mi_ea/yemen_volcano) TORONTO – A volcano has erupted on a tiny island off the coast of Yemen, spewing lava and ash hundreds of feet into the air, a Canadian naval vessel near the island in the Red Sea reported Sunday. There were no immediate reports of deaths, but at least eight people were missing. The Yemeni […]

the Black Dahlia movie review

[indy movie review] Black Dahlia Movie DVD ©2007 Director: Ramzi Abed http://www.blackdahliamovie.com http://www.myspace.com/blackdahliamovie indy movie review by Kent Manthie Earlier this year, indie filmmaker Ramzi Abed took a really outré turn in his latest work, the hallucinatory Black Dahlia Movie. Its arrival coincided with the 60th anniversary of the 1947 crime, the still unsolved and viciously heinous killing of the […]

The Love and Terror Music Cult of Charlie Manson

[This is a reprint from http://www.earcandymag.com/rrcase-charlesmanson.htm. For some Mason Family tracks go to these myspaces: http://www.myspace.com/liecharliemanson or http://www.myspace.com/thefamilyjams. Better do it fast, before they get taken down. ~Ed.] CHARLES MANSON – A Musical Motive? By Ronnie Rock ‘N Roll Case Study: CHARLES MANSON – A Musical Motive? This installment of rock ‘n roll case study examines the music of Charles […]

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