intimate moments

[Poetry] It’s all I wanted. by Brittany Vipond from Sunday, July 3, 2011 at 10:32pm Tweet I wanted intimate moments, I wanted them to burn the edge of every photograph the way memories remained distorted in her only right eye, I wanted the sacrifice of my only left over breathing triangular abstract animal, and it wouldn’t mean anything to you, […]

Time for Government to Catch Up to Reality!

The Politics of Pot By Kent Manthie Tweet On Friday, May 27 severe new regulations were slated to go into effect in the city of San Diego – a de facto ban according to supporters of the right of those who qualify and who continue to suffer from various illnesses due to the asinine politics of trying to overturn what […]

Cannabis and Recovery

…And Yet Another Testimony About Why Pot Is Great. by Ty Clark Tweet There was a point where I wasn’t completely closed off to the idea that there may be something wrong with me psychologically. Enough people tell you throughout your life and you get a little suspicious. Now that I’m pushing thirty (in a few days) I feel like […]

The last day of April

[Art Photography] Nettie Harris by Friquita Francis “The last day of April” Photographer, painter and glamour model Brittany Vipond photographs her friend Nettie Harris at Brittany’s home in New Orleans. Both girls are residents of NOLA and models by trade, given to fits of travel and adventure. Brittany Vipond is constantly creative and an uncompromising artist. Vipond’s self-portrait photography initially […]