fashion: Neon Analog Spring 2011

Neon Analog By REVIEWER MAGAZINE Haute Couture For The Every Day MNC feeds her brain endless reptile and insect images and botanical facts, but when pencil touches paper a very human conversation begins. Neon Analog reflects an obsession with birth and death and every fraction of a second in between. Each moment a transformation. Constantly in the process of becoming. […]

Product: Jewelry by PICCARD

Art and Commerce Model: Nista Jewelry: Anjela Piccard Photo: Reviewer

Two Movies: Seatsniffer and Homemade Monster

Midnight Matinee From Leia and Brandon Gadow, a quasi-musical and a quasi-documentary: Home Made Monster, and Seat Sniffer. Click them now… sit back and enjoy. The Flash movie files will start automatically. Trailers: Full movie: Seat Sniffer Full movie: Home Made Monster

Art Photography: Flagellation & Spanking

Spanking As Art Alva Bernadine Brings It Up A Notch [From] English photographer Alva Bernadine creates art that is erotic, surreal, disturbing, provocative….and humorous. Clearly a fan of Guy Bourdin, stag reels of the 1950’s and vintage French postcards, Bernadine seems to have his tongue firmly planted in both cheeks. “After being inspired by the famous freeze frame photographs […]