Books and Other Printed Matter
“Bush Knew”

From http://www.citizinemag.com

Nero Fiddled While Rome Burned #5 & #6
Editor: Jacob David

“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”
— Eric Blair

Why would I bury the story of the century in the back of the magazine as a mere zine review? Well, this one is a doozy. This zine goes “all-out” in exposing the Bush Administration, and there’s no room in here for cheesy interviews with bands you’ve never heard of, or uninspiring microscopic record reviews. This is all about facts and evidence that have been swept under the mass media rug concerning the crimes of Sept. 11, 2001.
September 11, 2001, was a historic day, and as such, has been compared to other famous days. In late 2001, many pro-war cheerleaders compared the events of 9/11 to Pearl Harbor, the “surprise” attack by the Japanese on U.S. warships stationed in Hawai’i in December 1941, and an episode which ushered in war between America and the Axis.
Nero Fiddled While Rome Burned offers a wholly different perspective. Editor Jacob David contends that on closer examination, observers will find a better parallel between the “9/11 attacks” that struck New York and the Pentagon some months after George W. Bush became President, and the “Reichstag Fire” that burned down the German parliament in 1933, a month after Adolf Hitler had assumed elected office.
Dr. Jerry Russell summed up the events of the “Reichstag Fire,” a spectacular national crisis in Germany that newly-installed Chancellor Hitler used to full effect to enhance his own power: “The German Parliament (Reichstag) burns down. A dazed Dutch Communist named Marinus van der Lubbe is [accused]. Apparently, by and large, the German public believed Hitler was telling the truth: in the general election a few days later, the National Socialists cemented their hold over the German government, and the Enabling Act was soon passed giving Hitler a dictator’s powers. Communist leaders stood trial, accused of participating in a vast conspiracy to destroy the Reichstag — and by extension, the German people themselves.”
Nero Fiddled contends that the Bush Administration’s response to 9/11 bears a strong resemblance to Hitler’s response to the Fire. While Hitler sought out Communist terrorists to gain total control over the reins of power, George Bush has expanded government control and spying powers by fighting “Islamic terrorists.” A month after the Fire, the Nazis pushed through the “Law for Terminating the Suffering of the People and the Nation” (known to historians as “The Enabling Act”) to give the Führer his due powers to protect the people and rule by decree, while President Bush’s Republicans twisted arms to pass the USA PATRIOT Act (‘Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism’) within weeks of 9/11, giving the government “new tools” to fight a secret war against terrorism.
Though it is widely believed nowadays, it has never been proven that the Nazis actually set the Reichstag Fire that unleashed the political crisis allowing Hitler to concentrate power. And although Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post (normally a Republican ally) had the audacity to print “BUSH KNEW” as a cover story in May 2002, it certainly has not been proven, four years after the event, that George Bush had any direct hand in orchestrating the spectacular events of 9/11. It has been shown, however, that the official story of the “9/11 Attacks,” as put forth by the 9/11 Commission (a committee partially appointed by Bush), is highly questionable.
Write to Jacob David today, and he’ll send you his review of the must-see documentary 911 – In Plane Site. The film, produced by Dave Von Kleist and William Lewis, uses photos, interviews, and live television footage (shown only once, and then never again, on T.V. news stations CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, and CBS) to examine the events of the day in a new light. The most convincing case in the movie is probably Von Kleist’s probe into whether a huge 757 filled with jet fuel could have made the sort of damage found at the Pentagon after the attack.
Video footage and photographs taken immediately after the Pentagon was struck at about 9:40 a.m., show no sizable plane wreckage to be seen (engines, wings, a tail fin, luggage, people) and make it hard to believe that a 757 could have caused the damage, unless the plane and all the passengers somehow “disintegrated” within the Pentagon structure. Additionally, photos taken when the first firemen arrived on the scene show that the roof of the Pentagon did not collapse with the initial impact. The roof collapse occurred about twenty minutes later, and the damage immediately done to the Pentagon at about 9:40 a.m. appears to be a circular hole too small for a 757 jetliner to fit through.
Jacob David also provides addresses and contact info for concerned zine readers from around the world, and this could be helpful for zinemasters trying to get the word out. Send Jacob three stamps and you’ll get a copy of your very own.

PO Box 3050, Eureka, CA 95502

Warning #1 & #2
Editor: Frank

To see the world in black and white, you must read Warning fanzine. Warning zine is composed of recycled paper doused in soy or vegetable-based ink. Since everything is either pure black or no ink at all, at first glance the text and photos appear to suffer the effects of previous generations of xeroxed ancestors, prophets’ words handed down through the ages till no gray remained. But look closer and you will see this full contrast is intentional, as is the thick, quality paper and professional stapled binding.
In the music department, this zine focuses on the crustiest edges of the worldwide punk rock scene. The editor looks back at the origins of the scene, and provides interviews with newer bands. There is Contatto from Italy 2005, and Wretched from Italy 1985. There is Hellshock who just put out the great Warlord EP, and then an interesting look at Discharge’s controversial 1987 U.S. tour, where they shocked audiences with their new metal sound and refused to play any early classics.
Warning zine also gets into its own radical truthtelling about “America’s Reichstag Fire,” drawing parallels between the planings of 2001, and the fire of 1933. Each event served the government in power as “an opportunity to introduce their agenda of constant centralization of power through the technique of problem-reaction-solution.” The editor also makes a list of some of the internationalist groups that have supported and guided the Bush Administration’s war policies since 9/11, groups like the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, and the Club of Rome, among others.
After the September 11 attacks, to show people that this war was going to last a long time, President Bush compared his newly christened “War on Terror” to World War II, which last four years once the U.S.A. officially got involved. Four years later, the President is now comparing the War on Terror to the “Cold War” which lasted more than forty years.
On New Year’s Day 2045, with the War on Terror now lasting even longer than the Cold War, will President-elect George P. Bush assure a war-weary, peace-loving America that the neverending, liberty-devouring, total control, photo-enforced War on Terror is actually most like the Hundred Years War? Would this buy the politicians a little more time?

PO Box 40113, Portand, OR 97240-0113

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